Echos des catholiques

Daily Rome Shot 1117 – Piove!

The other day there was a big storm in Rome with lots of lightning.

The view from the steps of my adoptive parish, Ss. Trinità dei Pelegrini.

Welcome registrant:


Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

I haven’t started in earnest to raise funds for October and part of November in Rome. However some of you have already sent donations in anticipation using “wavy flag” or, even better, Zelle or snail mail (no fees). I’m trying carefully to note you all down in my prayers and Mass lists. Thanks already to


Right now I am looking at a new book published by Angelico Press, which is doing yeoman’s work for the Lord and the Church.

Between Rome and Rebellion: A History of Catholic Traditionalism with Special Attention to France

by Yves Chiron and John Pepino (translator). Originally in French on 2022.


This is not a “breezy” book.  The author, who has written also on Paul VI, has looked deeply into what “traditionalism” and – the perennial accusation – “integralism” are.  This more a French thing than American or English, I think.  But it is real.  Saying that people who simply love the traditional Roman Rite are “integralists” are, to my mind, the liturgical equivalent of a lib calling someone who doesn’t cringe and conform a “racist trans phobe”.   The first chapter on “From ‘Integrism’ to Romanity” has left me gasping a bit at the thorough coverage of the whos whats wheres whens, etc.

Since France has figured at the core of the renewal of Tradition, in a way that these USA have not, this is an important historical chronicle.

Scripta manent.

White to move and mate in 2.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

In chessy news, something has happened in my brain. When I work with game analysis in the monthly issue of Chess Life or in book I am beginning to visualize positions for several moves after, say, a diagram. Often after a diagram you will get the notation of a few moves with a parenthetical, “better would have been… etc.”. I’m starting to be able to wade into that notation. I don’t know it is affecting my game yet. One thing I’ve noticed about how I used to learn languages. I’d get to a point and then plateau. Then I would stumble around like a moron who had never heard of the language in question. Then, suddenly, things would start to fall into place. I wonder if the analogy of shuffling cards makes any sense. Division, then total chaos, then new order. I know I am getting old and my mind isn’t what it used to be. So I have to find new angles and methods to learn these things. Can I improve my visual memory at this point in my life? That is a key to the success of most chess players beyond analytical skills.

Meanwhile I just read that in Budapest a 9-yr old defeated three Grand Masters in one event. He is the youngest ever 2200 ELO.

And the Chess Olympics are staring up in Budapest. I’ve been casually working on Hungarian for a while. I’d really like to visit there.

Real-estate for Life… if you are moving or need to work with property, check them out. The agents donate part of their fee to pro-life causes. And don’t forget the sisters. Their shop is great for gifts and they can use the support.

Finally, I am taking some intentions. HERE


Offering prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary