Echos des catholiques

Daily Rome Shot 1126 – What the quack?

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YAR!  (Especially to Fr. Altier!)

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In Churchy news today…

today is one of the days (also 16 December) upon which the solidified blood of St. Januarius liquifies in the sight of thousands. Today the blood liquified again, to the relief of many. When it does not, bad things like earthquakes happen.

They bring the ampule with the saint’s hardened blood close to the relic of his head. It then liquifies and bubbles. Card. Schuster says of this:

The ampulla containing his blood is exposed before the people, together with the reliquary in which the head of the martyr is preserved, and after an interval during which prayers are said, the blood begins to liquefy, increasing in volume, as though it were bubbling up. The writer has been able to verify this miracle, which he has observed closely, and, like others who have studied it, he is obliged to confess that there seems to be no possible natural explanation of this phenomenon. It may be that, in this manner, God is pleased to show to the people of Naples that the blood of their great Patron — aeterno flori as the ancient sepulchral inscription calls it — is still active and powerful in the sight of the Lord, for with God there is no past, but all is present and living in his sight.

He always has a good observation.

On  Twitter, the hilarious Eccles is holding a “Tournament of Bad Hymns”  HERE

In chessy news…  QUACK!


Offering prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary