Echos des catholiques

Rome 24/10 – Day 1: My view for awhile

It began with optimism. It devolved into irritation.

The sun rose in Rome at 7:05 and WILL SET at 18:53. The Ave Maria bell should ring at 19:15. but it won’t.

There was hardly anyone entering JFK. Some people were waiting in the Sky Priority line. Soon I knew why. 2 agents- one on the phone for some 20 minutes with a single customer, the other like molasses in winter. After each person she walked away for a little while. Then we found pre-check had closed 45 minutes before the scheduled time. The subcontactors controlling access to priority passengers were not letting people in until a Delta Rep came by.

Half a mile of hurried concourse later….

I managed to get a decent bowl of soup in the lounge before schlepping to the gate.


pThe aisle setup is weird. They are sort of staggered.

33 is across from 32.

Also since I added my Italian SIM this app is trying to correct everything I write In English. This could become annoying – fighting hostile spell check in two languages.


On the way in.  Iconic.

Home sweet home… until I find home sweeter home.  Please PRAY.

Another entrance.  To the parish.

You can see the death announcement of Giancarlo.   They buried him today.   I missed that too.

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Offering prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary