Echos des catholiques

Rome 24/10 – Day 26: Waiting for the bride

For the sun’s rising, I can report the hour of 07:34.  Sunset is still a bit in the future as I write at 18:14.

The Ave Maria is still in the 18:30 cycle.

It is the feast of St. Dimitri the 4th c. martyr.

Thank you for this day, Lord.

Welcome registrant:


St. Benedict saw the consistory list.

Last night took us to the Pantheon for Vespers for the Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage.

Well attended.

The acoustics in there… horrible.   Quite simply.

One of my very favorite Crucifixes in Rome or anywhere.

I entitle this “Waiting for the bride… and waiting… and waiting…”.  She was over a half hour late.

Meanwhile, chess was played in the sacristy… but that’s about chess, so I’ll put it in the comments with the puzzle… a hard one.

(White to move and mate in 4.  Hard, but once you see it, you can’t un-see it.)

Chessy news… HERE

Please join up! I’ll get the credit.

In churchy news…. there is a good piece by the always interesting Janet Smith at Crisis.   We are on the brink.  We are on the brink of an election. We are more than one brink, more than one serious brink.    I believe she is right in her assessment of the severity of the situation in the USA.  A taste:

The only hope we have for changing the laws on abortion (and saving this country!) is to elect those who will work to defend free speech and freedom of religion, who will deport illegal immigrants, who will ensure that elections are fair. Bonuses may well be a recovery of the economy, disbanding the deep state, reducing government waste, and peaceful settlement of costly wars.

Another good read is Fr. Raymond de Souza at The Catholic Thing on the sinking ship the Holy See Ship Synodality (aka “walking together”).    A taste:

HSS Synodality set sail when Pope Francis announced in March 2020 the commissioning of a great new ship. The synodal process on synodality for a synodal Church will thus mark its fifth anniversary early next year. It has sailed through some rough waters, but even after five years, it is not clear where exactly synodality is headed. HSS Synodality has thus been on a voyage without a destination.

Perhaps the purpose is the voyage, not the destination…

You said it, Father.  That’s the point.  The outcome is the establishment of constant process that brooks no dissent that cannot be marginalized by means of listening and dialogue.  The goal is “permanent revolution” and that can only be achieved not through direct attacks on liturgy, law and doctrine, but by erosion through hints, dangling carrots, perpetual dialogue.   I grew up in a caucus state.

So, HSS Synodality (“walking togetherity”) has been sailing sailing sailing.  It has also been hulled a few times by the Holy See’s own torpedoes (e.g., Fiducia supplicans).

And… well… more chessy… At ChessBase there’s a good article about current World Champ Ding Liren, who is going to defend his title against Gukesh.  It’s going to be … painful, I think.   Ding talks about the psychological, emotional problems he has struggled with for years.  He is a compelling person with an interesting story.

I will never forget sitting where I am now and watching those last fatal moves in the tie breaker in Astana (… where Bp. Schneider is…) against Ian Nepomniachtchi (it’s pronounced Непомнящий, by the way). And Nepo’s reaction. He was pretty sure he had a draw. the commentators thought it was a draw. Then Ding pulled a fast one with a minute on the clock, playing Rg6. Ding refused a draw down on time and played for the win. Video of the end of that game HERE. Treat yourself.

And check out the great wines of the monks of Le Barroux, traditional Benedictines, in S. France.


Offering prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary