Echos des catholiques

Rome 24/10 – Day 33: All Souls


Here’s a clip from a “premium content” video for some Roman Sojourn Donors. It’s nothing special, just part of my morning walk through the area to get some food stuffs for the day and to say hello to a few people as the day gets underway. And a splendid day it was in Rome.

Thank you, Lord, for this day, when the sun rose at 6:42 and when the sun will set at 17:05.

The Ave Maria has a couple more days in the 17:30 cycle.

Today is All Souls. It is not a feast. It is not a day of precept (obligation). However, you can gain indulgences for praying for the dead in this 8 day period.

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Welcome registrant:


HEY!  sm****!
HEY! and*****!

My notes to you were bounced back.  New email?

In church last night…

I’ll make a video of the formal displaying of the relics and post the link when it is ready.

In church this morning…

How to make lunch in Rome.

Buy pizza bianca.

Buy mortadella with black truffle.

Assemble like this.

In churchy news…

Too beautiful not to share…

This is interesting from the great canonist Ed Peters

One of the presidential candidates is pretty openly anti-Catholic.

To accurate not to share…

In chessy news… HERE

(White to move and mate in 3)

Interested in learning?  Try THIS.


Offering prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary