Echos des catholiques

Rome 24/10 – Day 6: Our Lady of Pompeii

7:11 and 18:45 are God’s times to light and dim the skies over the Eternal City.

It is the Feast of St. Bruno, which will delight a friend of mine, and also one of the days of the year when the Supplication to Our Lady of Pompeii is raised at Noon, wherever you are.  Yes, this is the same place where the archeological digs are.   It is also where former satanic priest Bl. Bartolo Longo converted.

I have an image of a massive wave of prayer lifted to God through the intercession of the Mother of God rolling hourly from across the globe like an ascending wave.

Please go

for more about the Supplica to Our Lady of Pompeii… offered on 8 May and on the 1st Sunday of October.  HERE

Last night I was out with a well-known Catholic commentator for a bite and a chat.

Just as I was about to leave the apartment, from my window…

We went to a favorite place nearby which has something that has become a regular choice for me.  It is an appetizer, but it could be a regular course.   A seafood stew.

After supper, walking back through the Campo, I saw – couldn’t miss – that most of the street lamps are still blinking because of a storm a couple weeks back.

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Don’t forget the traditional Benedictine monks of Norcia who make stupendous beer. Perhaps your parish priests might like to have some.

In churchy news… I saw an interesting tweet that at a presser for the Walking Together about Walking Togetherity yesterday there were about the same number of panelists as journalists in the seats. Even the newsies have given up. They probably watched the stream… maybe. However, that way there was no way to ask questions. I guess they don’t care.

Another church in France was burned. HERE How many is that now?
The Vatican website is still featuring art by Rupnik. Unreal. HERE

Not so churchy, more political, but really funny if you know…

The Nashville Dominicans have VOCATIONS. HERE

The traditional men’s institutes in France have VOCATIONS. HERE

In chessy news… HERE


Offering prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary