
Passion Sunday: Care for his body

(Palm Sunday of The Passion Of The Lord-year B; this homily originally given on March 28, 2021 at the Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome, Italy; See Mark 14:1 to 15: 47)

There is a short story that ‘s been’; at the beginning of the 20th century by D.H. Laauthorrence called “Odour of Chysanthemums. »It is about a small mining to begun in England.  The story begins with the main character, Lizzie, waiting for her husband, John, to come back from working in the mines.  If you don’t get off the train, it becomes bitter and remorseful.  Her husband has a problem, and it is not the first time he has not come home immediately afteremouth.  Especially on payday, he goes right to the pub, and makes it home much later if he is able to come back by his O’brin pooxider.

<url>, Lizzie reflects that hevagill not be home tonight until they come carrying him home.  Tragically, she is correct.  As the story unfolds, hear about a terrible accident that has happened in the mines.  The shaft had collapsed, trapping underground several of the men.  They had run out of air before they could be reached.  John’s lifeless body comes home, as Lizzie had predicted, being carried by his colleagues from the mines. 

As they bring him into the house, John’s mother is there, as rsquo.  She is also destroyed, and offers to help clean up the body, 6hich is covered in coal, film and grime.  They are both surprised to see how incredibly beautiful His countenance is as they clear off the dirt.  John’s mother says, “heliument peaceful, Lizzie—peaceful as sleep.  Isn’t he beautiful, the lamb? »The mother begins to explain that he must have had time to make his peace8ith God; he is her beautiful lamb and “heabulldn’t look like this if he hadn’t made his peace.”

The ticosubstituted for the body, Lizzie becomes incredibly more uncomfortable and even disturbed.  She suddenly begins to reflect to herself:  

« Rsquo am I?  Have I been doing?  I have been fighting a husband that did not exist.  He existed all the time.  If you have done it?  If you have been living, have you been living?  There lies the reality, this man.”

The narrator relates, chillingly, « And her soul died in her for fear: she had never seen him, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her, she had never seen her.  And it’s not enough, and turned silent in seeing.  For she had been rsquo. She had said heigosas something heigosas not.”

It is only 6 years ago, she begins to care for the body of her husband that Lizzie discovers not only his beauty and depth, but also essential things about herself.  Some of those things are challenging and disturbing, but they are important for her to knoquo and understand the truth.

The passion narrative that ’cause listen to this’ from St. Mark’s gospel is replete 6 References to the body of Jesus Christ.  As the narrative begins, give me a hear about the rsquo; American woman came to Bethany to anoint the body of Christ in preparation for his burial.  In that act of generic love she comes to understand the depths of the love God has for her, that Hevagill literally die for her.  Hence she comes to realize her own great worth, and’s dignity in Christ.

At The Last Supper, Christskjell give his body and blood to the Apostles as a total offering of love, helping them to see how much they are united to Him and in him.  They’re never going to tell you more completely than they’re going to tell you how blessed they are.

Sadly it is the soldiers ‘ cause fail to recognize the dignity they have been given and instead abuse the body of our Lord.  They spit upon him, mock him and scourge his body, seeing only its objective.  They crucify the body of Christ and fail to see the very offering He is making for their salvation.

Joseph of Arimathea, lovingly seek to acquire the body of Christ and tenderly prepare it for burial, a’hile Mary Magdalene, refuse to take her eyes off the body as she studies the place.  See the risen body of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.

Care for the body of Jesus Christ changes us.  Come to discover our dignity, our beauty to discover truly appreciate and lovingly attach ourselves to him.  In this Holy should seek to come to knoquo Christ more deeply in the Blessed Sacrament on the altar and also in the depths of prayer and adoration, hoping to become more appreciative of all that God has created us for.

Care for the body of Christ, of course, also means care and concern for His body, the Church.  Sometimes that can be the easiest and most natural thing in the universe.  Sometimes it can be a tremendous challenge.  In particular, if you consider the sexual abuse crisis in the Church, or the financial crises that have rocked the Church in recent times, if you can be tempted to become discouraged or cynical about the body of Christ.  Perhaps because of the personal situations we may have faced, when we were hurt or disappointed by the actions or words of other members of the Church, we may find it difficult to have the same love for the Church that we have for Jesus.

Like Lizzie, ’cause they are called to care for the body of Christ and to do everything in our yes’ if you want to make it beautiful.  By our prayer and our bride, we certainly do in our passion.  Christ challenges us this Passion Sunday to raise the bar, to love Him and to love the Church in a passionate and selfless.  Come to discover our dignity and the beauty that he has created us for from the beginning.

Echos des catholiques


silverstream_via-crucis-priestsVoici aussi mes projets audio du Chemin de Croix.

Le 1er vendredi, priez svp le Acte de Réparation.

Ce dont nous avons besoin en ce moment, c’est de la PRIÈRE, surtout maintenant.

Et n’oubliez pas d’ALLER À LA CONFESSION!

Pour les prêtres, en particulier, essayez Le Chemin De Croix Pour Les Prêtres des Bénédictins du prieuré de Silverstream.  ICI.  Envisageriez-vous d’en obtenir des copies pour vos prêtres là où vous êtes?  Laïcs: priez-le pour prêtre.

Voici les lectures du Via Crucis, le Chemin de Croix, composé par

  • Carte Joseph. Ratzinger, futur Pape Benoît Xvi XVI, pour l’observance du Vendredi Saint de 2005 au Colisée de Rome
  • Saint Alphonse de Liguori
  • Bl. Jean-Pierre Lagrange
  • Saint François d’Assise (selon la méthode de…)
  • Prieuré De Silverstream – Le Chemin De Croix Pour Les Prêtres

Il existe deux versions du Chemin de Saint Alphonse Liguori. L’un est clair avec juste ma voix. L’autre est le même enregistrement vocal mais avec la séquence du chant grégorien Stabat Mater entrelacés entre les stations.

Vous pouvez gagner un indulgence plénière, dans les conditions habituelles de confession et de communion quelques jours après le travail et le détachement même du péché véniel.  De la Manuel des Indulgences:

63. Exercice du Chemin de Croix (Viae Crucis exercitium)

A indulgence plénière est accordé aux fidèles, qui font l’exercice pieux du Chemin de Croix.

L’obtention de l’indulgence plénière est régie par les normes suivantes:

  1. L’exercice pieux doit se faire avant les stations du Chemin de Croix légitimement érigées.

  2. Pour l’érection du Chemin de croix, quatorze croix sont nécessaires, auxquelles il est d’usage d’ajouter quatorze images ou images, qui représentent les stations de Jérusalem.

  3. Selon la pratique la plus courante, l’exercice pieux consiste en quatorze lectures pieuses, auxquelles s’ajoutent des prières vocales. Cependant, rien de plus n’est requis qu’une méditation pieuse sur la Passion et la Mort du Seigneur, qui ne doit pas nécessairement être une considération particulière des mystères individuels des stations.

  4. Un déplacement d’une station à l’autre est nécessaire.

Si l’exercice pieux est rendu public et s’il n’est pas possible pour tous les participants d’aller de manière ordonnée de station en station, il suffit qu’au moins celui qui mène l’exercice aille de station en station, les autres restant à leur place.

Ceux qui sont « empêchés » peuvent obtenir la même indulgence, s’ils passent au moins une demi-heure à lire et à méditer pieusement sur la Passion et la Mort de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ.

Pour ceux qui appartiennent à Rites Orientaux Parmi lesquels cet exercice pieux n’est pas pratiqué, les Patriarches respectifs peuvent déterminer un autre exercice pieux en mémoire de la Passion et de la Mort de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ pour obtenir cette indulgence.

Si ces enregistrements vous sont utiles, s’il te plaît, dis une prière pour moi, surtout si vous utilisez le Chemin De Croix Pour Les Prêtres.

Saint Alphonse de Liguori avec chant

Joseph Ratzinger – 2005 Vendredi Saint au Colisée


Via Crucis Pour les prêtres du Prieuré de Silverstream

Echos des catholiques

« Christ avec moi, Christ devant moi, Christ derrière moi… » La puissante Lorica de Saint Patrick

En ces jours sombres, nous pouvons bénéficier de l’utilisation de cette prière, appelée la Cuirasse, ou Loríca de Saint Patrick, “Le Cri du Cerf” (le latin Lorica se prononce lo-REE-ka).  On dit que saint Patrick (+461) a chanté cela lorsqu’une embuscade lui a été tendue pour qu’il ne puisse pas aller évangéliser à Tara.  Patrick et ses compagnons étaient alors cachés à la vue de leurs ennemis, qui pensaient qu’ils étaient des cerfs lorsqu’ils passaient.  Cependant, certains érudits datent la prière du 8ème siècle. De toute façon, il s’agit d’une prière puissante et puissante!

Le mot latin loríca signifie “une cuirasse de cuir; une défense de toute nature; une poitrine, un parapet »”  En effet, cela signifie « armure ».    » Loríca » est également associé à une invocation rythmique ou à une prière spécialement pour la protection comme lors du combat.

La Lorica de Saint-Patrick est enracinée dans une croyance non confuse dans la dimension surnaturelle de nos vies, qu’il y a vraiment un spirituel bataille menée pour nos âmes.  Cette prière reflète notre dépendance absolue envers le Dieu à Trois Personnes.

On pourrait prier cette prière chaque matin, en se levant.

Le jour de la Saint-Patrick, au lieu de boire de la bière verte, les pasteurs des paroisses devraient inviter les gens à venir à l’Église pour les confessions, la récitation du Rosaire, la Messe, l’Exposition, la prière de la Lorica, la Bénédiction.  Proposez-le à vos prêtres.

Latin Anglais
Sancti Patricii Hymnus ad Temoriam. La Lorica, Cuirasse, de Saint Patrick (Le Cri du Cerf)


Ad Temoriam hodie potentiam praepollentem invoco Trinitatis,
Credo in Trinitatem sub unitate numinis elementorum.
Je me lève aujourd’hui
Par une force puissante, l’invocation de la Trinité,
Par la croyance en la Tritialité,
Par la confession de l’Unité
du Créateur de la création.
Apud Temoriam hodie virtutem nativitatis Christi cum ea ejus baptismi,
Virtutem crucifixionis cum ea ejus sepultura,
Virtutem resurrectionis cum ea ascensionis,
Virtutem adventus ad judicium aeternum.
Je me lève aujourd’hui
Par la force de la naissance du Christ avec Son baptême,
Par la force de Sa crucifixion avec Son enterrement,
Par la force de Sa résurrection avec Son ascension,
Par la force de Sa descente pour le jugement de malheur.
Apud Temoriam hodie virtutem amoris Seraphim in obsequio angelorum,
In spe resurrectionis ad adipiscendum praemium.
In orationibus nobilium Patrum,
Dans praedictionibus prophetarum,
In praedicationibus apostolorum,
Dans les confessions de la fide,
En castitate sanctarum virginum,
Dans les actis juste virorum.
Je me lève aujourd’hui
Par la force de l’amour des chérubins,
Dans l’obéissance des anges,
Au service des archanges,
Dans l’espoir de la résurrection pour rencontrer la récompense,
Dans les prières des patriarches,
Dans les prédictions des prophètes,
Dans la prédication des apôtres,
Dans la foi des confesseurs,
Dans l’innocence des saintes vierges,
Dans les œuvres des hommes justes.
Apud Temoriam hodie potentiam coeli,
Lucem solis,
Candorem nivis,
Fulgurances rapides,
Velocitatem venti,
Profunditatem maris,
Stabilitatem terrae,
Duritiam petrarum.
Je me lève aujourd’hui, à travers
La force du ciel,
La lumière du soleil,
L’éclat de la lune,
La splendeur du feu,
La vitesse de la foudre,
La rapidité du vent,
La profondeur de la mer,
La stabilité de la terre,
La fermeté de la roche.
Ad Temoriam hodie potentia Dei me dirigat,
Potestas de conservation,
La Sapientia de moi edoceat,
Oculus Dei mihi fournit,
Auris Dei me exaudiat,
Verbum Dei me disertum faciat,
Manus Dei protegat,
Via Dei mihi patefiat,
Scutum Dei me protegat,
Exercice de défense,
Contra insidias daemonum,
Contra illecebras vitiorum,
Contre-inclinations animi,
Contra omnem hominem qui meditetur injuriam mihi,
Procul et prope,
Cum paucis et cum multis.
Je me lève aujourd’hui, à travers
La force de Dieu pour me piloter,
La puissance de Dieu pour me soutenir,
La sagesse de Dieu pour me guider,
L’œil de Dieu pour regarder devant moi,
L’oreille de Dieu pour m’entendre,
La parole de Dieu de parler pour moi,
La main de Dieu pour me garder,
Le bouclier de Dieu pour me protéger,
L’armée de Dieu pour me sauver
Des pièges des démons,
De la tentation des vices,
De tous ceux qui me souhaiteront du mal,
de loin et de près.
Posui circa me sane omnes potentias a
Contra omnem potentiam hostilem saevam
Excogitatam meo corpori et meae animae;
Contre-incantamenta pseudo-vatum,
Contra nigras leges gentilitatis,
Contre pseudo-leges haereseos,
Contre-dolum idololatriae,
Contra incantamenta mulierum,
Et fabrorum ferrariorum et druidum,
Contra omnem scientiam quae occaecat animum hominis.
Je convoque aujourd’hui
Tous ces pouvoirs entre moi et ces maux,
Contre toute puissance cruelle et impitoyable
qui peut opposer mon corps et mon âme,
Contre les incantations de faux prophètes,
Contre les lois noires du pagandom,
Contre les fausses lois des hérétiques,
Contre l’artisanat de l’idolâtrie,
Contre les sorts de sorcières et de forgerons et de sorciers,
Contre toute connaissance qui corrompt le corps et l’âme de l’homme;
Christus me protegat hodie
Contra demersionem,
Donec meritus essem multum praemii.
Christ pour me protéger aujourd’hui
Contre le poison,
contre la combustion,
Contre la noyade,
contre les blessures,
Afin qu’il puisse venir à moi une abondance de récompense.
Christus mecum,
Christus ante moi,
Christus me pone,
Christus en moi,
Christus infra moi,
Christus supra moi,
Christus ad dextram meam,
Christus ad laevam meam,
Christus hine,
Christus illine,
Christus a tergo.
Christ avec moi,
Christ devant moi,
Christ derrière moi,
Christ en moi,
Christ sous moi,
Christ au-dessus de moi,
Christ à ma droite,
Christ à ma gauche,
Christ quand je me couche,
Christ quand je m’assieds,
Christ quand je me lève,
Christus in corde omnis hominis quem alloquar,
Christus in ore cujusvis qui m’alloquatur,
Christus in omni oculo qui me videat,
Christus in omni aure quae me audiat.
Le Christ dans le cœur de tout homme qui pense à moi,
Le Christ dans la bouche de tous ceux qui parlent de moi,
Christ dans chaque œil qui me voit,
Christ dans chaque oreille qui m’entend.
Nous sommes prêts à vous aider. Je me lève aujourd’hui
Par une force puissante, l’invocation de la Trinité,
Credo in Trinitatem sub Unitate numinis elementorum.
Domini est salus,
Domini est salus,
Christi est salus,
Salus tua, Domine, assieds-toi semper nobiscum.
Par la croyance en la Tritialité,
Par la confession de l’Unité
du Créateur de la création.
[Le salut vient du Seigneur,
Le salut vient du Seigneur,
Le salut vient du Christ,
Ton Salut, Seigneur, est toujours avec nous.]
Amen. Amen.

Les Bénédictines de Marie, Reine des Apôtres de l’abbaye de Gower ont une Lorica de Saint Patrick sur leur album Anges et Saints à Éphèse.  US ICI – UNI ICI

Concernant la traduction de la Lorica. ICI


Rebuilding the Castles

(Fourth Sunday of Lent-year B; this homily given on March 14, 2021 at the Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome, Italy; See 2 Chronicles 36:14-23 and John 3: 14-21)

There is a book series by C.S. The Chronicles Of Narnia.  The story centers around four children in Londonemouth discover a dooremouth into a mystical and magical land called Narnia.  There they encounter all kinds of adventures, led by The King Of Narnia, Aslan.  A. Aslan they become kings and queens, sharing in his po.  They have a castle, croemouth, and best of all they have a relationship.  The story is an analogy for the Christian life.  All of the characters, and the events of that series, correspond to the story of our salvation.

In Book Four, Prince Caspian the children suddenly transported from London back into Narnia.  It has been a long time sine they’re last there.  They find themselves on a deserted island and soon begin to explore that strange place.  They come upon an abandoned apple orchard, and a broken and collapsed.  After more careful inspection, they realize that the finale is actually a huge foundation for the universe remains of a ruined castle.  Immediately they are reminded of their castle, they’re kings and queens in Narnia.  Cair Paravel, they had called it.  This is an island like this one.  Peter is the first one to realize that this castle is not simply like their oemouth, but that it is actually Cair Paravel, long abandoned and in ruin.

Ahhhat those children felt they must have been ‘ ahhat the people of Israel had experienced in the first reading’ahe listen to this rsquo.  Because of the infidelity of the people, and their relationship to listen to the Good Old God sends them through the prophets over many years:

Their enemies burnt the house of God [the Temple], tore do rsquo; n’quests of Jerusalem, set all its palaces afire, and destroyed all its precious objects.  They’re gone, they’re carried captive to Babylon.

-2 Chronicles 36:19-20

It is, by far, the lovagest point in the history of the nation of Israel.  By the end of the reading, God announces his plan to restore that broken land.  It is his initiative, hisemouth to deliver them into freedom.  He calls Cyrus, The King of Persia, to be his instrument in rebuilding the city of Jerusalem.  Cyrus, even be called the anointed one of God (Isaiah 45:1).  God takes the initiative and brings the people back home, naming Cyrus to rebuild the fallen temple.

Theemouth live in today is, in manyoxidized, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken, a broken.  For years no if you have been trying to build a’porld’out God.  More and more, in Europe, America and in many other places, should have developed aemouth of living that is very far from the moral and ethical demands of the Gospel.  The more ‘if you want to build that, the more’ if you want to realize that it has become.  It’s like to find our castles-our lives-in ruins.  The history of salvation in the Christian faith can be summed up in our Gospel this weekend, where God takes the initiative and sends Christ to heal our broken world and rebuild the castle.  Jesus says:

Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone’nogho believes in him may have eternal life.  For God so loved the hellip that he gave his only Son, so that everyone should believe in him might not perish but might have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the universe, but that the universe might be saved through him.

– John 3:14-16

He speaks to us of the cross: ” … as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up »

In the desert, on their journey to the Promised Land, The People of Israel sinned against God and he sent serpents against them.  Many became sick and some even died.  Then God commanded Moses to lift up a bronze serpent on a pole, and all if so, look at the image of the serpent.  They looked upon the source of their sickness, and they placed their faith in the godigumho heals.  

Our broken originally is raised again by Jesus ‘ humiliation on the cross.  Look at that cross and look at the effects of our sin and brokenness.  Uniting ourselves to him in faith, hoinois out, give us life in Christ.

The Catholic Church has a sanctuary for that salvation.  It is called the Holy Eucharist.  God created the Eucharist because he calls us to make a perfect sacrifice to Him, yet on account of our sin, none of us are capable of accomplishing that.  These are all broken and in need of healing and all experience the effects of sin.  These are all too common, they are imperfect.  Still, God calls us to offer a perfect sacrifice.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains beautifully hoemouth God has provided that perfect sacrifice for us in Christ:

The only perfect sacrifice is the one that Christ offered on the cross as a total offering to the father’s love for our salvation.  By uniting ourselves, our sacrifice can make our lives a sacrifice to God.

– CCC, #2100

In the Eucharist, at every Mass, give up ourself to the sacrifice of Christ in the bread and give birth to the body and the blood of Christ.  Give Him a sacrifice of ourselves that is good, pleasing and perfect (see Romans 12:1-2).  

Let us unite ourselves completely to Him, so that give us a chance to rebuild our fallen castles.  Ask, in the Eucharist today, that God should continue to raise up our fallen and make us his instruments in Christ.