Vie de l'église

Pope asks nations to repeal laws discriminating against women

Governments must eliminate laws discriminating against women and help guarantee women’s human rights, Pope Francis said.

« Let us respect women. Let us respect their dignity, their basic rights. And if we don’t, our society will not progress, » the pope said in a video message released April 2 by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, formerly known as the Apostleship of Prayer.

The pope’s prayer intention for the month of April is: « Let us pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world. »

In the video, the pope said, « In theory, we all agree that men and women have the same dignity as persons. But this does not play out in practice. »

« In many parts of the world, women are treated like the first thing to get rid of, » he said.

« There are countries where women are forbidden to access aid, open a business or go to school, » he said. « In these places, they are subject to laws that make them dress a certain way. And in many countries, genital mutilation is still practiced. »

« Let us not deprive women of their voice. Let us not rob all these abused women of their voice. They are exploited, marginalized, » the pope said.

« Governments need to commit to eliminate discriminatory laws everywhere and to work toward guaranteeing women’s human rights, » he said.